PixPlant 3.0.8最新版无缝贴图制作软件,可制作Normal, Displacement, Diffuse, Specular and Ambient Occlusion maps,法线贴图、置换贴图、漫反射贴图、高光贴图和AO贴图。 What is PixPlant? PixPlant is a smart texturing app with the best tools to quickly transform a photo into seamless repeating textures and 3D maps. PixPlant includes a smart texturing engine and 3D map editors: save a lot of texturing time with PixPlant! Editing Wood planks in the normal map editor Plastic surface specular editing Editing ambient occlusion in a pebbles texture Colored concrete in the specular editor Tiling a roof texture in the Seed Wizard Cloning Brick wall normals Editing plastic 3D maps in Mac OS X 安装流程: 1. 直接点击PixPlant3.exe安装。 2. 复制"Crack"文件夹中的PixPlant3.exe粘贴到PixPlan3根目录。 3. 开始制作使用吧! 官方网站https://www.pixplant.com/ 免责声明:此软件仅作分析研究用途,请勿用作商业用途牟利,如果荷包允许,请购买官方原版,支持保护开发者知识产权! 官网售价人民币1022.93元,现只需10金币供大家下载研究(整理资源和发帖辛苦费啦)。 PixPlant 3.0.8最新版无缝贴图制作软件下载地址: