无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅


The project site has a total area of 200 square meters. With a view to getting back to the essence of design, Our design team intends to break up the stereotypical concept of stylization, strip away the veneer of complicated decor, rearrange the functional areas of the flat floor space, eliminate the partition walls in each space, and ideally turn the entire area into a whole with no visible partitions. Furthermore, the natural scenery and light are introduced into the interior, and the view outside the windows serves as an extension of the private space, scaling up the inherent area of the interior space to the maximum. In doing so, we strive to create a blend of “extroverted” and “introverted” living space which is both rational and elegant externally and intimate and warm internally.

▼项目概览,overall view of the project



The entrance door is taken as the axis of the space, thereby dividing it into north areas and south ones. The north is the public areas, affording the occupants full freedom and untrammelled space to explore its open world, which makes it possible for them to stay and wander freely in the space integrated with the living and dining rooms; the curved corridor on the south side of the axis, whose facade materials transition naturally and the walls wrapped in wood veneer convey comfortable feelings, guiding the traffic flow step by step into the southern private area where three bedrooms are tucked away.

▼平面图 floor plan

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅






——切斯瓦夫•米沃什 (Czeslaw Milosz)

▼结构改造图 plan of structural transformation


▼空间收纳图 plan of storage space


▼轴测图 axonometric drawing


外向空间 Open Space:

纵览公共区域——开放的空间,将餐厨区,客厅,阳台以及相对隐私的书房进行了有机连通,以岩板岛台与沙发为中心的洄游动线让空间愈发显得灵活和通透。In the open space, the dining and kitchen area, the living room, the balcony and the study are connected organically, and the circular traffic flow centered on the island made of black sintered stone and sofa renders the space more flexible and visually expanded.


入户区域 | “热情”交错

Entrance Area | Alternate Layers of Welcome


As soon as one makes his entrance, he will notice the grille curved surface embedded in the wall is interspersed between the wall and the suspended cabinet, enriching the layers and enhance the sense of ceremony for going home. the warm looking sintered stone slabs on the floor and the wood veneer on the partial top, combined with the wood flooring of the similar color and the softly lit white ceiling, divide the space horizontally, and the various materials are echoed and contrasted, visually suggesting how functional spaces are partitioned and where the traffic flows go, which does not only underlines the sense of boundary but also reducing the sense of fragmentation between spaces.

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅

客厅 | 开合之间Living Space | Betwixt Openness and Closeness

以岩板岛台和沙发为中心,在客厅区域勾勒出一条洄游动线,阳台与客厅的无碍连接,配合面积巨大的落地窗,将室内空间与室外光影交融合一,增添了无限变化的视觉美感。With the black sintered stone island and sofa as its center, a circular traffic flow takes form. The seamless connection between the balcony and the living space, together with the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, fuses the indoor space with the outdoor light and shadow, adding to the visual beauty of infinite changes.


白色内嵌吊轨门作为电视背景墙,使得客厅的使用场景可以灵活切换,传达出不同的空间情绪,黑色的展示层架以及简洁体块的黑岩地台,消隐背景墙边框感,给予悬浮感。当推开移门,电视展露其间,对称性的画面结构传递出精密的秩序感和观影前的仪式感。沙发后的岛台可作为延展与家人客人互动的社交区域;当移门闭合,客厅即刻"安静"了下来,此时独自一人赏景放松,灵感乍现时,便可挪步至岛台伏案记录,好不惬意。开合之间,客厅区域的整体配置让空间显得张弛有度。The white built-in hanging door, as the TV background wall, makes the living space flexibly switched to apply to different scenarios. The black display shelves and the simplistic black sintered stone floor platform make the frame of the background wall less obtrusive, thus lending a sense of suspension to the entire wall. When the sliding door is pushed open, the TV is revealed, and the symmetrical structure communicates a sense of order and a sense of ceremony before one settles back and watches TV; what’s more, the island behind the sofa serves as a social area to stimulate the interaction between family and guests. When the sliding door is closed, the living space will instantaneously quite down. It helps a lot while one is relaxing and enjoying the scenery outside alone. As inspiration strikes, he can move to the island quickly and record his thought readily. The comprehensive configuration, between the opening and closing of the sliding door, renders the whole space extraordinarily capacious and multifunctional.


待夜幕缓缓降下,华灯初上之际,无主灯的设计则更突出了空间内敛含蓄的气质。在天花独盏射灯的映衬下,人造光与天然夜幕共同赋予了洞石椅极强的氛围感和戏剧舞台感。The night descending slowly and the lights aglow, the indirect lighting, with no main lighting source, speaks full volumes for the reserved temperament of the space. With the recessed downlight on, artificial lights, coupled with natural night veil, give the travertine chair a profound theatrical atmosphere.


餐厨区 | 能装是福Dining Area | Roomy, a Blessing

天花板片和地面不同材质的交错呼应,划定了开放式厨房与就餐区的界面范围。横向空间上,白色柜体的统一排列,融入同色墙面,既充分满足了收纳需求,也彰显了空间的包容属性。The interplay of different materials on the ceiling and the floor defines the boundary of the open kitchen and the dining area. Horizontally, the unified arrangement of white cabinets, integrated into the walls of like color, not only satisfies the storage needs, but also brings out the inclusiveness of the space.


就餐区,几何框架的镜面,浮挂墙面,映射出液态金属般的未来艺术;独立桌面的朴质侘寂的中古瓶器,呢喃低语源自东方的古老哲思;站立一旁多立克柱似的端庄灯具,它的白玉内敛,就已是彰显着古希腊秩序美的终极宣言。而徜徉其中的一抹翠色,则将这三种文明形态赋予了当下时间的勃勃生机,好似一组来自不同国度,不同时空维度的奏鸣曲即将上演。In the dining area, the geometrically framed mirrors floating on the wall like liquid metal reflect the futuristic art; the simple vintage vases standing on the tabletop speak of the ancient philosophies from the East in a lowered voice; the Doric column-like lamp standing aside, its alabaster appearance is the ultimate declaration of the Hellenistic order. A touch of emerald green from the twigs endows the three civilizations mentioned above with the vitality of the present, as if a set of sonatas from different nations and different time and dimensions were to be played out.

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅


书房 | 消隐山林间Study | Hidden in the Woods

白色吊轨移门,与半包裹式墙体将书房悄然嵌至于客餐厅旁的角落,突出了该空间的私密属性,也让其和客餐区的连接更为紧密,方便动线流动,也使整个外向空间机能配置上更具整体性。The white hanging sliding doors and half-wrapped walls enclose the study in the corner next to the dining room, highlighting its privacy and making it more intimately connected to the dining space and the living space alike. Moreover, the traffic flow in this area becomes smoother and the open space more integral in terms of functionality.



过渡空间 | 这么远,那么近

Transitional Space | So Far, So Near

廊道作为空间流动的转换,南北动线在此交汇,动静空间悄然过渡。The corridor acts as the transitional space, where the north-south traffic flows join and the open space and the private space transition


从客餐区步入廊道途中,便能看到入户右侧弧形转角,其将传统直线转角柔和化,钝化空间线条感。On the way from the dining space to the corridor, one can see the curved corner on the right side of the entrance, which softens the traditional straight corner.

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅

弧面造型的廊道,柔化了空间线条感,丰富了空间层次,同时强调了卧房温馨私密的空间属性,凸显了空间内敛的气质。The curve-shaped facade of the corridor diversifies the space layers while emphasizing the warmth and privacy of bedrooms at the end of the corridor.

木饰面漫游墙面和顶面,以极其流线的形态,任由温润素雅的木色板片舒展其流线的形态,完成了由自由开阔的开放空间向温馨舒适的私密空间的无缝过渡。踱步至廊道尽头,缓缓推开东西南三个方位的隐形门,各自的卧房映入眼帘,视野将再一次被打开。值得一提的是,此处运用材质重叠与交替的方式,木色墙面和天花,与同色系地板一同限定出通向主卧的房门方向,而其余白门则是对应着儿童房和客房,让廊道具备一定的信息指向性,更方便留宿友人分辨。The wood veneer meanders on the wall and the roof, in a streamlined form, allowing the warm and elegant wood-colored panels to stretch and then completing a seamless transition from a free open space to a warm and cozy private space. Walking to the end of the corridor, one can enter three bedrooms through frameless doors in the eastern, western and southern directions. It is worth a mention that the overlapping and alternating materials are deployed here. The wood-colored walls and ceiling, together with the flooring of like color, suggest the direction of the door leading to the master bedroom, while the rest of the white doors leading to the children’s room and the guest room. All these make it more convenient for those friends staying overnight to know where they could rest.


空间相对性带来的视野的延伸;从弧面廊顶望去公共空间,视野豁然开朗,空间向度自由延展。The relativity of space extends view. Looking from the curved ceiling of the corridor to the open space, one’s view opens up and the space expands freely on every hand.



内向空间 Private Space:

卧室 | 留白天地Bedroom | Negative Space

淡灰色墙面,白色与木格栅柜体拼接的组合,强调视觉上的虚实对比,分隔界面以表现层次变化。内嵌踢脚线,让空间更富轻盈感。空间内没有过多的装饰,大量的留白,也方便业主后期添置和改造。The combination of light grey wall, white and wood grille cabinet stresses the visual contrast between the real and the unreal, separating the interface to display the change of layers. The built-in skirting boards make the room light and float. In default of excessive decoration, the room is left with a great amount of white space, which makes it convenient for the house owner to add or renovate the room in the near future.


无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅

主卫 | 红色“警戒”Master Bathroom | Flaming Seasoning

微水泥漫游墙面和地面之上,将功能分区清晰的主卫空间整合统一,细化内部功能分区。连幅的镜面柜体进一步拉伸空间尺度,云灰石台面的庄重神秘,在“火辣”卫浴龙头的煽动下,看似是对空间统一色调的“反叛”宣言,实则是丰富空间表现的“调味料”和“增味剂”。The walls and the floor covered by micro cement integrate the master bathroom into a whole and divide the space into sub-spaces clearly. The mirror cabinet further stretches the spatial scale, and the grey marble countertop of solemnity and mystery, fomented by the flaming faucet, appears to rebel against the uniformity of color in the space, but in fact it is actually a sort of seasoning to spice up the space.





软装细节 | 所想即所得Furnishings | To think is to Get

本案还有一大亮点,即软装部分有大量定制产品,设计团队在产品的构思和表意上也付出了巨大努力,力求为整个居住空间增添更多层次,乐趣,以及故事性。Another highlight of this case is the customized pieces of furniture. The design team has made great efforts throughout the process of the conception of the products and expression of their meanings in a bid to add more layers, excitement, and depth to the living space.

斑马椅:材质组合丰富的斑马椅,犹如栖息于奥罗米亚的狭纹斑马,透出大自然所馈赠的野性和力量,散发着幽秘麝香,给空间一角悄然平添几分异域色彩。Chair Zebra: It’s a blend of glass, leather, wood, and metal, which looks like a Grévy's zebra in Oromia, partaking of the wildness and natural strength and emanating a kind of mysterious musk. Its presence lends an exotic flavor to the living space.

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅


洞石茶几:流畅圆润的洞石茶几,丰富空间层次对比,石灰华史前纹理间开凿溪径,静静看着岁月如流,时光轮回。Travertine Coffee Table: It’s smooth and round, rich in layers. Between the travertine prehistoric texture exist stream-like lines, which seemingly bore witness to the passage of time.


洞石椅:全球独一份的定制洞石椅,仿佛用温润的外表来粉饰岁月的锤炼,残缺的表皮下,暗示着打破秩序,界定无限的里层表达。Travertine Chair: It’s one of a kind, whose subtle appearance disguises the marks of time. Despite its broken surface, the chair suggests a break with order and a sense of infinity.



室内空间设计的主声部,或许是功能与审美的关系孕育了各异的设计形态和表现手法,而让居住空间变得合理且保留温度一直是我们不变的目标。不止于此,在外在表达之上,我们努力向空间传递故事性——空间细腻→故事细腻。In the main part of interior design, perhaps it is the relationship between function and aesthetics that gives birth to various design forms and expression methods, while our constant goal is to make living space well laid out and rich in warmth. What’s more, we have been striving to convey depth and meaningfulness to the space--a space delicately designed → a story subtly romanticized.

无外方所设计 | 荆州200㎡简意平墅


项目地址:湖北 荆州









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